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"Wow. . it's so. ."
Alice was at a loss for words. She wanted to provide at least some positive appreciation for this gift, but she found it difficult to know what to say. Looking at it, she could only think that it was a mess. A big, expensive mess that she was going to have to renovate herself to make it remotely usable.
"I knew you'd like it! It's so awesome! Imagine what we could do with it," Warez exclaimed enthusiastically.
He'd searched for so long to find a vehicle like this, one so cheap and yet with so much potential. It was quite like a 'hippy van', and probably actually had been, many years ago. Now, it just looked broken and battered. The paint had pretty much been completely scratched off, the lights were missing (and so were the wheels, unfortunately). However, he had a vision that it could be completely transformed into the best travelling van that the world had ever seen. He was going to take Alice to places she had never dreamed of going before, in delicious luxury.
"Yes, we're going to call it Delicious Luxury! We have a name!"

Alice snorted. Delicious? Luxury? How ironic. How much further from the truth could this name be for it? Not much at all, she smirked. Oh well, she was stuck with it now. She had better make the best of it, perhaps install lots of fairy lights and paint a mural on the outside of it. She loved to paint, although she usually just used relatively small canvases. Attempting a mural was something she had never tried before. Actually, had she ever even thought of doing it? Perhaps this would be an interesting challenge. She could showcase her artistic skills to the world, simply by driving around. How fantastic! This might be quite a nice, thoughtful gift after all.
"Thankyou so much, Warez. I simply love it. Really, I do. The name is superb," she commented. "And the van! The van is superb too."
"Awww, shucks. I'm so glad you feel this way, Alice! I feel it too. I really, really do. I feel it a lot."
Alice turned her head slightly and rolled her eyes. Warez could be so sentimental at times. She often thought he lived in the fantasy world in his head more often than he lived in the real world. Reality - it was so much more important than all these unachievable, pointless ideas. Of course, she would never tell Warez that. Deep, deep down, she truly respected him, even though she sometimes found it hard to express that. Simply accepting her feelings was difficult enough. She sighed softly.
"Alice, are you alright? Please tell me," Warez asked, concerned.
Tell him. Tell him that she was alright. Why shouldn't she tell him, why was she so afraid? She needed some freedom, some time alone. Now. She didn't want to tell him anything. Nothing. She wanted to be somewhere far away. . She ran.

The sound of Warez's hurt, wounded shouts to her because more and more distant. He hadn't tried to follow her. She reached the end of the street and turned the corner, heading for the park. She loved the park, it was so quiet and peaceful. No distractions here.
Collapsing onto the grass, she closed her eyes and breathed heavily. She was too unfit, she should do more exercise. She stretched out her arms and felt the soft blades move beneath her. It was nice to just lay here, quietly. Not even the cars from the busy roads could be heard here.
Suddenly, she gasped. She could feel something, someone. Quickly opening her eyes, she was dazzled by the bright sunlight streaming down from directly up above her. Squinting, she sat up slowly whilst massaging her eyes in an attempt to focus clearly. She felt a strong touch on her shoulder, grabbing her.
Alice screamed.

Jumping away from the strange hand, she poised herself as if ready for a fight. Spinning round, she faced the one who intruded her personal space so violently. As she laid her eyes upon them. . him. . she felt her heart soften and her pupils dilate. Time stood still.
"Warez. ." she whispered.
"Huh? I'm sorry to disturb you, lady. I just want to ask you something."
The unfamiliar voice startled her, and she blinked rapidly. He wasn't Warez. Why had she thought he was? Embarrassed, she took another look at him. He was a tall, bulky man with gleering eyes and long, glittery hair. He made her feel uneasy, and cautious.
"Sure, sure. Go ahead," she replied, her voice shaky.
He grinned, in a seemingly sneering manner. After taking a prolonged, powerful cough he proceeded to inform her of his problem.
"Right, well. You see, I have a business. I'm a businessman, you could say," he began.
"My, that is rather interesting! What kind of business do you mean?" Alice interjected.
He shuffled from side to side, still glaring at her. His eyes were the most creepy she had ever seen, she thought. The glitter from his hair somehow sparkled in them too. They appeared colourless, the only adjectives she could attribute to them were 'glittery', 'sparkly and 'shiny'. This was also the case with his hair. Somehow, this fascinated and yet repulsed her. She wanted to observe, entranced by these intriguing substances, but at the same time she was disgusted by the very thought of doing so. She wished he would go away.
"It's rather not very interesting. However, I have 'lost' one of my most important transportation devices. Vehicle. I have lost a vehicle! Do you know where it is?" he answered, emitting feelings of frustration and anger.
Alice held back the urge to laugh. Not because the Strange Businessman was overly amusing, but that this whole situation seemed quite unusual. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something was not right. Something. .
"DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY VEHICLE IS?" he shouted loudly, the force of his breath making the waves of her hair flow backwards.
"SIR! Please do NOT shout at ME," she spoke with almost equal force. "If you told me what your vehicle was like, maybe I could help you! Yet, you haven't and your rudeness is just appalling! I feel I must go. I am not putting up with your dreadful behavour!"
She squealed and tried to move. She couldn't! This was frightening.
"Look, I apologise," he retorted, more calmly this time, and resting his hand on her arm. It was cold, so very cold. Almost like metal.
Alice snorted.
"The vehicle I am looking for is a van. It is quite vintage, in need of fixing. I am fixing it, you see. I left a lot of important things inside and I need to find them."
Her eyes widened at this remark. A van? Did he mean a van like the one Warez had got for her? Where the hell had he even got it from, anyway? She shuddered as the feeling of dread came over her. This man didn't seem happy, and he didn't seem too friendly either. Shaking her head, she realised how paranoid she was behaving. There were many, many vans out there. Hundreds, thousands. Countless amounts!
"I presume that the symbolic shaking of your head means you haven't seen it," he enquired.
"Oh! Umm, yes. I mean, no. I haven't seen the van, no. I do hope you find it though," she said, consciously trying to appear as sincere and genuine as possible.
"Aye, hye." he growled.
Was he a pirate? She thought he might be. Or at least doing something dodgy with pirate dvds. Jumping up and down, Alice realised she could move again.
"I have to go now. Bye!" she waved, and started to run again.

Alice didn't know where she was going this time. She ran through the whole of the park, and back into the busy streets. She ran, and ran. Going fast, going slow. She just wanted to run, somewhere. Anywhere. Past the people, past the shops. Past the river, full of ducks swimming up and down.
She suddenly halted as she ran into a tree. It was a strong, sturdy tree. It felt wise, as though it had observed the world for many hundreds of years, and knew thousands of secrets. A swirly, mystical aura surrounded it, creating a spiritual atmosphere of peace and tranquility.
Gasping, she breathed fast and deeply. She felt instantly at ease in this place, stood before this tree. She felt a huge urge to hug it. Hesitating for a moment, she rushed towards it and wrapped her arms around the trunk.
"Oh, Tree. Please guide me, I feel so lost. . I mean, today Warez showed me the Hippy Van he bought for us. And then I, I don't know what happened. I just ran away from it, from him. I'm not alright, Tree. I'm in denial about how I feel and it's affecting my life so much. It's affecting my ability to be happy, to be truly accepting and free to feel how I feel. Please help me! And then I met this scary man, whom I think had metal eyes and hair. Of course, perhaps I was just imagining it because I thought he was Warez at first! I guess I think about Warez a lot. We're just friends, by the way. But I do think he's really great."
She paused. What had gotten into her? Why was she talking to a tree? She must have hit her head pretty hard, she thought.
"Alice, you didn't hit your head at all," the Tree spoke to her, without using words but instead transmitting its thoughts through its magnificant aura of beautiful energy.
Feeling shocked, dazed and confused, Alice couldn't find the words to reply.
"It's ok, Alice. I know everything. You are a beautiful, special person, and I know you will find your way through this. You have many obstacles and challenges coming your way, and you will face them because you are strong. You are ready. I love you."
"But, I. ." she mumbled, still in a state of shock.
"You have to go back now, Alice. Warez is waiting for you. He needs you right now, Alice. Go back to him."
Alice nodded. Tree was right.

The journey back home was more difficult than the way there, when she had been running. She wasn't running now, she was walking. She wanted time to think about what had happened. She had been. . communicating. . with a spiritual Tree being. Alice found it very difficult to believe, but everything about her felt that it had been real. She felt blessed, somehow.
It was only now that she began to feel guilty for leaving Warez like that. She didn't give him any explanation, or anything. Not even a "goodbye for now, I'll be back later!". She wondered if he thought she took him for granted. She certainly behaved that way. If only he knew. . yet, even though they were incredibly good friends, she still found it hard to tell him her deepest, most innermost feelings. She didn't know why, it's not as though she was afraid that he would judge her. She trusted him completely. They lived together, for goodness sakes!
Alice found herself walking through the park again. The Strange Businessman had gone, which was a relief. She wasn't sure what to make of him, so she tried to forget and instead focused on Warez and Delicious Luxury. It was actually a wonderful idea of his, to find the van that they could fix up together. It would become a lovely, romantic symbol of their relationship.
Romantic? She didn't mean to use that word. She meant it in the most platonic way possible, of course. Really, she did. She tried to convince herself of that as she walked all the way home. Round the corner, and up the street. Finally, she arrived.

As she walked up the path, which was splattered with a myriad of flowers growing all around (a feature she loved, as she thought flowers were amazingly pretty), she was greeted by Carpet Dog. He woofed and gave her a big dog hug.
"Awww, Carpet Dog! You're glad to see me," Alice observed.
Carpet Dog was a black tibetan terrier, and was incredibly intelligent and empathic. His dog aura was vibrant with colourful colours, and he was always very friendly and helpful and eager. He loved Alice and Warez very much, and they loved him too.
At that very moment, Warez came out and walked towards them. He stood by Carpet Dog, bent down and gave him a big cuddle. Carpet Dog sneezed a happy sneeze, wagged his tail and stamped his feet, and jumped up and down.
"Woof!" Carpet Dog said, which roughly translated as "Warez! You are making me feel nice! I love you!"
"I love you too, Carpet Dog," laughed Warez, with a happy smile.
Alice was always mystified by Warez's uncanny ability to understand Carpet Dog's dog language. Personally, she had great difficulty in doing it, but he always found so easy. As though it would be hard not to!
"Hello Warez," she said cautiously. "I'm sorry about earlier, I just. . I mean, I needed to. ."
"Alice, it's ok," he replied, looking deep into her eyes. "Come here."
Warez stood up and beckoned for her to give him a hug. She did, and it felt so nice. Warez was great at making people and dogs feel nice, she thought. She admired him for that. She patted him on the back as a signal to let go, even though she wanted to hold on to him forever.
He stood back, and stared at her. This made her feel quite uncomfortable, being so physically close to him. His lips were just inches away from hers. . She closed her eyes for a moment, immersed in her feelings of overwhelming desire. When she opened them again, he was gone.
"Yeah, Alice?" he spoke from somewhere below her.
She looked around, and saw him crouched at a group of flowers. He was looking at them quite decisively, as though looking for his favourite one. She watched him, until he eventually chose a magenta magnolia and picked it up. He held it delicately, but firmly so as not to let it drop, and stood up again. He handed out the pretty flower to her, and grinned shyly.
"This is for you."
Alice felt as though she would faint, as though she was melting. This was such an incredibly romantic guesture. . platonically romantic, she reminded herself. But still, her heart seemed to be deciding otherwise. She held out her hand and accepted the flower. For a brief moment, as she took the flower from him, their hands touched ever so softly. She felt as though sparks of electricity were flying between them, as though this small touch signified something much deeper, something spiritual. It was truly beautiful.

The sun was shining brightly the next day. Alice woke up at dawn, which surprised her. She usually preferred to sleep in until at least 10am, but for some reason she didn't today. The sunlight was streaming through her bedroom window, and she noticed the dust particles floating about in some kind of dust dance. She let out a mild yawn, sat up slowly (so as not to get too dizzy and collapse back down again) and shook her head. Her long, silky locks flew around and then settled. She gently pushed back her soft, comforting, warm duvet and turned round to let her feet touch the floor. How lovely, she landed right into her slippers! They were made out natural fibres from the nearby forest, and were incredibly soft. She thought they were awesome, and loved to wear them as she walked up and down and all around the house. Even into the attic! But of course, she had to wash them afterwards due to all the dust and things up there. She should really clean it out someday, she thought. But she liked the idea of having a dusty attic, hiding lots of secrets and hidden treasures.
As she stood up, she glanced out the window. It was a beautiful day, and she could hear the birds singing merrily and happily to their individual and unique bird songs. She walked over to the window, and opened it. The noises from outside became louder, and she breathed in the fresh morning air deeply. It was very refreshing and nice.
She felt a strong urge to climb out the window, even though she was on the upper floor of their two floor house. Upstairs and downstairs (and the dusty attic, of course, but that hardly counted due to all the dust and secret items). Giggling quietly to herself, she opened the window fully and stood on a chair to lift herself up. Carefully hanging one leg out the window, she held onto the wall and put the other leg on the window ledge. It was quite a frightening leap she made, but also a very exciting one! She could quite easily jump out the window and into the garden right now if she so desired, but she didn't want to do that. Instead, she hesitated for a moment, and grabbed the sturdy tree branch from the huge tree that was there, and clung onto it.
She jumped.

Warez shouted, terrified. He had been sitting in the garden, meditating and contemplating life, especially their new van and what they were going to do with it. Quite unexpectedly, he had heard the distant sound of laughter and a rustling in the tree branches. Opening his eyes fast, he was startled to be greeted with the sight of Alice climbing out her window and jumping into the tree! What had come over her? She was never awake at this time, anyway. Not like Warez, who was up before dawn everyday to start the day with at least an hour of pure, relaxing meditation. Still, not even connecting to the deep awareness of the universe had prepared him for a shock like this. He ran towards the tree, past the beautiful, blooming flowers, and looked up. She hadn't fallen to the ground, but instead was caught in a multitude of various branches.
"Hi, Warez. Umm, I suppose you're probably wondering what I'm doing up here. Well, you know how I keep saying how unfit I am, so I thought I would just. . do some morning exercise, I guess," she shouted down below, whilst trying to appear as sane as possible.
Warez continued to stare at her, in a state of complete and utter disbelief. Should he try and help her down, or just leave her there?
"Right. . it sounds like you know exactly what you're doing, Alice. I'll leave you to it."
Alice gasped. He couldn't leave her here! She was stuck! She felt embarrassed, but she knew she had to ask him for help. She sighed, and coughed loudly.
"Warez. Warez! Come back, I need you to help me get down," she called out.
He smiled, feeling glad that he could be of some use to her. He noticed that she often pretended that she could do everything by herself, that she didn't need help from anyone. To him, it felt good that she was letting down her defences slightly, and being less stubborn. He liked it.
"Alright, Alice. I'm going to come and get you down!" he replied, still with a cheeky grin on his face.
She breathed a sigh of relief, and waited for him to climb up the tree. He brought up his meditation table and placed it beside the trunk so he could stand on it. Reaching up to the nearest branch, he jumped up and grabbed it. Almost.
"Darn," he cursed, knowing that the branches were too high up for him to reach. He was going to have to go up to Alice's bedroom, and through her window.
"I'll only be a minute, Alice! Wait there!"

He entered the house through the door and ran up the stairs, two at a time. He loved the feeling that he was going to rescue her, that he would be her saviour! As he opened the door to her bedroom, he noticed the unmade bed. Oh, how tempting it would be to just get in and fall to sleep, delighting in the fact that she had slept in there only moments before. He had a secret longing to be closer to her, much closer. . but she always made it clear that she didn't want to. At least, that is the impression he got from her. He wondered if she knew how he felt, if she had any idea at all. Sighing softly, he felt the warmth from her pillow and held it tightly. It was then that he remembered what he had to do! Alice was still down there, stuck in the tree. He moved to the window, and then took a step back. Feeling brave, he jumped right out and into the branches, grabbing onto whatever was there. Thankfully, he had made it onto a collective of branches and looked down below to see where Alice was.
"I'm here," she whispered.
Gasping, he turned his head to the left. She was there, right next to him, perched upon a strong branch and dangling her legs playfully.
"Alice. . hi. Are you ok?" he asked, moving to sit on the same branch as her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Well, considering the circumstances," she replied, feeling a little uncertain of their stability as the branch creaked under the weight of them both.
"Look, I don't know if this branch is strong enough to hold us both," she began to tell him as he moved forward to hug her.
"It'll be fine," he whispered. He didn't care about the branch anymore, or the fact that they were so high up. He just wanted to be close to her, to feel her.
He looked at her, so close that he could see the reflection of himself in her eyes. She blinked, and held her breath. This was so surreal, and she had no way of escaping this time. She couldn't move, she couldn't run. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to. .
Gazing intently at him, she moved closer. It was the slightest of movements, and yet it was enough to trigger a chain reaction within the tree. The branch collapsed.

Alice screamed, incredibly loudly. It was a long way down, and they were falling. Falling, falling down. . it felt as though time had slowed down and everything was going in slow motion. Suddenly, she felt a powerful force beneath her and lift her up, back into the air. What was it? She was too afraid to open her eyes, she had no idea what was happening.
She could hear the sound of Warez's voice, calling her name. Repeatedly. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and realised she was in his arms, holding onto him tightly. So tightly, it was hurting him. Somehow, using the force of his thoughts to create a powerful energy, they had been shielded from the frightening fall by a cluster of cloud-like creations. Slowly, the clouds dispersed and so they floated down and landed upon the meditation table. The clouds had completely gone at that point, and Alice couldn't help but let out a painful wail and start crying.
"Alice, shhh. It's ok," Warez comforted her, stroking her hair.
She sobbed, and nodded. She had was completely unaware of what had just happened, and she felt very confused. All she knew was that something terrible could have happened, but for some reason it didn't and they were both ok. She felt so grateful, and refused to let go of Warez. A few moments later, she fell asleep and drifted into a wild, crazy lucid adventure dream. It was intensely vivid, and yet only lasted for a few seconds. When she woke up a few minutes later, she sat up and sniffed.
Looking at Warez, she tried to remember what had happened. Yet, the last thing she could remember was waking up in her bed. How on Earth did she manage to get here, in their garden? She felt a sudden wave of realisation come over her, as she made her logical conclusion. Warez had sedated her! And carried her here, for some strange purpose!
Shrieking, she jumped up and ran in a circle. She stopped, spun around and pointed directly at him.
"You. ." she spoke sinisterly.
"Me what?" he asked innocently, bemused at how she was trying to make sense of this. "Me take you back to bed?"
Alice rolled her eyes, whispered a short "Ok" and fainted. Warez jumped up quickly to catch her, and then carried her back into the house.

When Alice woke up again, it was a few hours later. She had no recollection of what had happened earlier that morning, other than a faint memory of a strange dream she thought she had. She plaited her hair, and went about her daily business. As she was mowing the lawn, she had an idea. She would write a song!
"Oh, what a wonderful idea," she spoke to herself out loud.
She had always wanted to be a professional song writer. Many years ago, she had written a collection of songs and sent them to publishers to be published. However, for some reason it had not worked out. She thought that she was still destined to be a famous song writer, but that it would happen in a few more years time. She always hoped and knew that she would fulfill her life dream.
She put down the lawn mower on the meditation table under the tree, switched it off and unplaited her hair. It was all wavy and nice. She then went over to the garage and went inside. She sat on the floor, pulled out a piece of paper from underneath the hippy van, and found a felt tip pen from the ceiling. She had to jump up and down a few times to reach it, as it was very high up and she wasn't tall enough. She was still quite tall though, just not really tall.
To tap into her vast field of creativity, she had to complete her ritual dance. To start, she stood on the piece of paper and stamped on it. She stamped really hard, quite violently in fact. Then she stamped all around the surrounding floor. Up and down the garage, she stamped. Then, she stopped and put her hands on the piece of paper. She held them there for a moment, and then slowly lifted them up until they were above her head. She had a knot in her hair but then it disappeared. She waved at the piece of paper for a few minutes, and then she put the felt tip pen in her hair, where the knot used to be but of course it wasn't there anymore. The felt tip pen fell through her locks of hair to the floor, and then she kicked it a few times until it landed on the piece of paper. Then, she sat down on the floor next to it, picked up the felt tip pen and started writing a title. The title was "Eternal Death" and she had many visions of doughnuts in her head and shoelaces trailing behind her, representing a metaphorical representation of her life.
The first verse she wrote was about how her heart was a button, pressed for death. Alice has decided that it was going to be quite a dark, eerie song. Morbid, even. She wrote about how her button heart crumbled apart with every breath, and that her mind was a doughnut. Filled with jam, in fact, and sprinkled with sugar! She wrote about how crazy she was, how her life was a shoelace trailing behind her, and how her world was draining from her mind.
She felt very pleased with her vivid, imaginative metaphors and rhyming techniques. She tried to write a chorus, but it was only two lines long and consisted of a simple 'welcome' message. She thought it would be quite contemporary and the fact that it was an understatement meant that it would be emphasized very much.
The second verse was less metaphorical, and was about how one moment we are here, and the next we are gone. It was very deep and philosphical. The third verse she wrote was increasingly dramatic, about how her eyes were whirling round and round. She acted it out as she wrote the lyrics, and rolled her eyes around until she became dizzy and fell over. She sat back up, and carried on writing the verse. She jumped up, and wrote that her feet were lifting from the ground, and that the skies were opening up and that the angels were awaiting for her arrival at the heaven's gate.
The fourth, and last verse, was very much more like the first verse she wrote. It was about her heart button was unstitched and it fell to the ground, and the devils ate her doughnut (for some reason, she thought this devil and doughnut metaphor could be interpreted quite differently to her original intention, but she left it in the song anyway). Alice felt incredibly happy with the song she had wrote, and ran up and down the garage singing it. She started skipping too, and was causing quite a commotion! She choreographed her own dance routine to her lyrics, and practiced it multiple times. It was a very wild, expressive dance routine and she enjoyed it very much and had a lot of fun while she was dancing to and singing it.
Unbeknown to her, a passer by in the street had heard her singing loudly and decided to look through the garage window and to watch her. Being so immersed in her own performance, she had not even noticed the stranger's face at the window! That is, until she was finally too exhausted to continue on with her singing and dancing. She stopped, breathed deeply and felt the prickly gaze from the watchful person. Looking in the direction of the window, she saw him. She squealed.

Running around in a circle and flailing her hands all about (up and down, left and right, diagonal and diagonal), Alice was feeling very frightened. Who was this strange, scary man? Why was he at her garage window, watching her do her private performance that was intended for no one but herself? She didn't know what to do! Meanwhile, the man had realised that he was scaring her and so he stopped looking through the window, and lifted up the big garage door. A bright stream of light entered the garage, and Alice had to shield her eyes by not flailing her right hand, but instead she covered her eyes with it. She was still running around and around and flailing her left hand about though. The Strange Man thudded towards her, and stood still. She kept running round, and round, until she ran out the garage (still with her eyes covered and left hand flailing) and she ran back in again because she had no idea where she was going. As she ran back into the garage, she ran directly into the Strange Man.
"Ooomph!" she gasped.
"Yes, you are now going at Zero Miles Per Hour, dear lady."
Alice nodded, and removed her right hand from her eyes. She also stopped flailing her left hand about and instead waved at the man with both her hands.
He waved back, with both his hands, and then proceeded to play a glapping game with Alice.
"Gimme five," he said, holding out his right hand for her to clap it. She did.
"Side to side," he spoke, moving his hand to the side. She clapped it again.
"Up above," he talked, as his hand moved up for Alice to clap it from below. She clapped his hand.
"Down below," he whispered, moving his hand further down for her to clap it there.
However, this time, before Alice could clap is hand, he moved it swiftly to the side. She fell down and clapped the floor.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!" he laughed.
Alice blushed, and was feeling thoroughly embarrassed. She felt so silly! First, he had watched her singing and dancing and making a fool of herself, and then he had seen her running around madly like a lunatic until she bumped into him, and now he had made her play his clapping game! She had lost, and looked stupid again in the process! She felt so angry, and was quite ready to tell him to leave and never return again. However, before she got a chance to do that, he started speaking.
"Ma'am, I would like to apologise for being so rude and intrusive. Obstrusive, also. I am truly sorry. I did not mean to frighten you at all. That was not my intention."
He spoke so charmingly, and Alice didn't know what else to do but forgive him. He did seem to be a sincere gentleman, albeit with a rather strange sense of humour! He was dressed quite smartly too; in a suit.
Sighing, Alice decided that she didn't want to talk to him anymore. She sent him a telepathic message to go away, and he did. Without a single word of protest.

Alice walked outside and removed the lawnmower from the meditation table that was still under the tree. She sat down on it, and sighed again. She sniffled, and blinked away the tears that were forming in her eyes. In front of her, she saw the broken branch that had fallen to the ground. It was so lonely, so lonely. She felt so lonely. She felt lost in this frightening world, where people kept invading her, intruding her privacy. She felt violated. She fell down to her knees, and felt the grass beneath her, surrounding her. She closed her eyes, and lifted her head to the sky. Silently, she begged for someone to rescue her, to protect her. To stop her, to not let her run. . but to surround her with safety.
Surround me now, she summoned.
Waiting expectantly for her reply, she was interrupted by the loud blasts of a stereo next door. She recognised the song by the lyrics "my cock is much bigger than yours". It was System of a Down, playing Cigaro. She felt angry and frustrated that her moment of meaningful communication had been disturbed, and quite rudely so. She opened her eyes, and the song finished. She felt relieved. Blinking and letting her head fall, she let her tears flow freely. Days had gone by, and still she thought of him. Her mind was filled of images, symbolic communications from her subconscious. She saw Warez, smiling happily at her. She saw the sky, the stars and the moon. The sun was too bright for her. She still felt confused, but she let the feelings pass as her awareness of the images grew. She felt as though she was dreaming, she was lost in a dream. .
Nobody had told her where to go. What to do, who to be. She hoped Warez was doing fine without her, because she wasn't doing so well without him. Things she thought he'd never know about her. . they were the things he already understood. She missed him.
Standing up, she shook her head and the tears flew from her eyes. Her hair spun around and momentarily covered her eyes, so that she was unable to see. She delicately removed the hair from her eyes, and stepped towards to fallen, broken branch. Kneeling down to touch it, she felt a powerful, unexplicable energy coming from it. She listened to it, to the familiar feeling. It reminded her of the spiritual tree she had met the previous day. She didn't understand why, or how long it had been like this. She didn't understand how Warez had affected it when he saved her, how it was the remnants of his love clouds remaining there. For her.
She stayed there for what seemed to be a few hours. She wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed; she had been so immersed in feeling this beautiful gift of love. Eventually, as a leaf from the overhead branches fell down onto her nose, she left the garden. As she opened the door, Warez held out his hand, took hers and kissed it softly. He had been watching her, for all this time. . and when he saw she was coming back into the house, he had stood inside the door. Waiting.
"Warez. ." Alice whispered.
She noticed that he was wearing a tuxedo, and he had decorated his hair with pretty flowers. She felt so amazed, she admired how he had taken such an effort to be romantic for her. He looked incredibly handsome in his formal outfit, and her heart melted at the sight of the flowers. She truly loved flowers, and it was a beautiful guesture that he had put them in his hair for her. For Alice.
"What are you doing in the door?" she asked faintly, her heart beating fast.
Warez stepped out, and brought a tiara with him. It was a beautiful tiara, silver and decorated with shining silver flowers and petals. Alice loved it immediately, and wished she could put it on her head. Putting things on her head was fun!
"This is for you," he spoke gently, as he lifted up the tiara and placed it carefully upon her.
As the tiara entered her hair, his fingers softly touched her. She felt another wave of sparks fly between her and Warez. It was quite electrifying, and she hoped that her hair wasn't becoming static and flying upwards. Warez smoothed her hair down so it didn't matter. It was only then that, for the first time that afternoon, their eyes met. Their unique lines of sight become merged; became one. They gazed at one another for a few moments, delighting in the few precious seconds of pure ecstasy.
As the moments passed, they because uncomfortably aware of what was happening. This was something that had never happened between them before, and it was startling.
"Alice, I. . I want to take you out tonight. If that's ok with you," Warez hesitantly asked, pondering and hoping that her reply would be a positive affirmation.
She blinked, and thought. Warez wanted to take her out! Where, why? What would she wear? Oh, the tiara was so beautiful. And now they both had flowers in their hair! His were real, hers were art(ifical). Wow, she had never realised that the world 'art' was simply a shorter version of 'artifical'! What an interesting revelation! It was then that she realised. . no matter how beautiful the imitations, nothing was as perfect and beautiful as the real versions, the ones that nature had created. She did love the tiara, she really did. It was just that, she had never understood so clearly the difference between man-made objects and what nature has created over many, many thousands and millions of years.

"Alice?" Warez didn't understand what was taking her so long to reply.
"Oh! Warez! I would love that, so much!" she exclaimed, as she remembered what he was doing for her.
He was going to take her out on a date, a romantic date for just the two of them! She felt like swooning in his arms, but she knew she didn't have time for that. She needed to go get ready, and dress herself up as much as he had. How much time did she have to get ready?
"How much time do I have to get ready?" she asked him, hoping for at least 4 hours.
"Hmm, a couple of hours maybe. 3, if you start now." Warez winked mischieviously.
Alice gasped. That wasn't very long at all! This made it all so much more exciting, though. She started thinking what she would need to do. First, she would take a shower and wash her hair with her delicious Herbal Essences shampoo. Then, she would dry it and decorate it nicely so that it complimented her gorgeous man-made tiara. Oh, and her clothes! What on Earth would she wear to match his expensive tuxedo? She imagined all the possible outfit combinations, until Warez interrupted her travelling thoughts.
"Hey, you wanna get ready or not?" he smiled at her, lovingly.
She shrieked and nodded her head. Ready! She would get ready now. Rushing upstairs, she headed towards the bathroom and closed the door. She slipped out of her rainbow coloured floaty dress, and took off her cloud patterned underwear. Stepping into the shower, she switched on the water and let the rain-like droplets caress and cleanse her. She reached for her favourite bottle of Herbal Essences shampoo and squeezed a large amount of liquid into her palm. Stroking it into her hair, she felt a thick, foamy lather being created. She loved the feeling. . the luxurious bubbles and divine aromas were so pleasing to her senses. After a while of massaging the lather into her hair, and immersing herself into the deliciousness of it all, she rinsed out the shampoo and felt the bubbles float away. Next, she reached for the bottle of Herbal Essences conditioner. Squeezing a similar amount into her hand, the liquid felt much thicker and less translucent. She lifted her hand and smelt it for a second, before putting it on her hair. Gosh, how truly scrumptious it was!
Now, she could let her mind wander as the conditioner soaked in. She closed her eyes, and felt happy in the relaxing, warm shower. She remembered that Warez, only a few minutes earlier, had been waiting for her in the door. How wonderful he was, how handsome. . she wanted to stroke his hair, to touch his eyelashes. She imagined what it would be like to hold him in a romantic embrace, to slow dance with him, to. . kiss him.
She wanted him so much.
Quickly opening her eyes again, she washed out the conditioner. Her hair felt so soft, so silky smooth. She wanted Warez to stroke it and tell her how nice it was. How nice she was. Darn, she was getting carried away with her daydreaming again! She needed to focus, yet her thoughts kept wandering back to Warez. She was so very excited. In fact, she was thinking about doing things with the detachable shower head, but unfortunately she had no time to spare for that. She wished she did, though. Instead, she picked up a bottle of Palmolive shower gel, which was labelled 'Sensual' and was a passionate red colour. Passion. She realised that she needed passion, now. Releasing the shower gel into her rose pink shower puff, she put the bottle back and let the gel mix with the water to form sparkling bubbles. She traced the curves of her body, and imagined Warez was with her. She imagined it was him who was caressing her, and covering her with a layer of nice, sensual foam and letting the stream of water wash it away. She imagined he was stood right behind her, stroking her with his fingers. She could almost feel his body pressing against her, sharing their heat. Oh, he was so hot.
"Alice, you're so beautiful." he whispered softly into her ear with his deep, sexy voice.
She breathed in deeply, wanting to savour every precious detail. He touched her newly conditioned hair, and marvelled at the smoothness of it.
"Your hair is nice, Alice. You are nice."
She smiled as he spoke this. She had wanted him to say those words exactly, and he did. He moved his hands delicately down her back, and held her hips for a moment while he kissed her neck softly. She sighed, feeling such bliss and intense pleasure. He ran his fingers up her waist, and towards her breasts. He held them, massaging them gently and admiring their shape and softness. She ached for him to move his hands downwards, to touch her. . there.
"Warez," she called out.

After her shower, Alice wrapped her hair in a towel. She felt happy, satisfied. Checking the time, she realised she had spent almost an hour in the shower. Gosh! She hadn't realised she'd been in there so long.
"I guess I got a little carried away," she laughed to herself.
It didn't matter though, she still had plenty of time to get ready. She went to her bedroom, and Carpet Dog was there. He was lying on her bed, sleeping. He was snoring softly, and dreaming dog dreams. At that very moment, he was dreaming about Warez and how he liked to communicate telepathically with him. Carpet Dog thought telepathy was fun! He wanted to telepathically communicate with Alice, but she didn't usually listen on the right frequency so it was difficult. He wanted her to, though, because he enjoyed telepathy a lot. It was so much easier than barking at something and then being shouted at, just because the human didn't see what Carpet Dog could see! Why should he be punished for being more aware? He felt sad for all the other dogs in the world, especially the ones next door who had really loud owners. They shouted a lot at their dogs, whom were called Petal and Leaf. Carpet Dog knew Petal and Leaf very well, and he enjoyed to telepathically communicate with them often. He knew that Petal and Leaf were very nice, perceptive dogs. However, their owners were not, and Petal and Leaf often got shouted at loudly because Petal and Leaf had sensed something frightening! The humans, with their not very skilled senses, simply thought that Petal and Leaf were being stupid and annoying. How wrong could they be? Carpet Dog loved Petal and Leaf, and knew that they were so very kind and lovely. Definitely not annoying or stupid.
Carpet Dog rolled over, and a tear fell from his eyes and onto the pillow. Carpet Dog felt very sad, and wanted to rescue Petal and Leaf. He didn't want Petal and Leaf to be shouted at all the time! It really, really upset Carpet Dog a lot. Carpet Dog decided to wake up, and to plan a rescue misson so he could save Petal and Leaf from the awful owners who shouted all day long. He jumped off the bed, looked at Alice with a happy glance, and walked downstairs to go and telepathically communicate with Warez.
Alice felt tired, and ran around and jumped on the bed. She jumped up and down on the bed, and round and round. She wanted to jump outside the window for some strange reason, but she knew she shouldn't because she needed to dry her hair. She released it from the towel, found a comb, and began to comb it carefully. It was very smooth and had no knots at all, because she used the wonderful Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner. She picked up her hairdryer and turned it on. She dried her lots and it was all nice and magical.
She sighed and felt her breasts. They were definitely bigger than tangerines, which were just small oranges. Why had they been described as tangerines? They were not tangerines at all. She didn't know what fruit they were, though. She needed to buy more fruits, to eat more fruits. She loved fruits so much. Give her fruit, now! Fruit, lots of fruit. Nice fruit is really nice. Nice, nice fruit. Fruit is so, so good. Like nice fruit is nice, fruit is nice like a nice fruit. Lots of fruits, like apples and oranges and pears. And passion fruit.
Passion fruit was nice. It made her feel passionate.
"I feel passionate!" she shouted out loud.
Warez could hear her as he meditated quietly outside. Her window was open, and he could peek inside whilst she was getting ready. He thought she was fun.
Alice looked in her wardrobe to find something to wear. Hmm, what should she wear?
"Hmm, what should I wear?" she pondered. "This or that, that or this. This? No, not that. This? No, not this. This one? That one? All of them? All at once?"
She put all her clothes on at the same time because she thought it would be fun. However, they all stretched too much and snapped, so that she was left with no outfits at all! Just her lingerie.
"Oh my," she squealed. This was a dilemma! What ever would she do?
She jumped up and down, and held onto her breasts. This helped her to think clearly. She had an idea! She would go to Warez's wardrobe and wear his clothes. She went to his room and sat on the bed, wanting to go to sleep. He smelt so nice.
"No, I need clothes!" she shouted.
She looked in his wardrobe and found a nice pyjama top called 'Greedy and Lazy'. She put it on and felt very comfortable. It was very big on her, though. Warez was so tall! She was only slightly tall. Nowhere near as tall as him. She liked his tallness, very much. She wanted to stroke his hair and cuddle him. Looking for more clothes, she decided that Warez didn't really have anything that was suitable for her. His clothes were much too masculine, and way too big! At least she had his nice pyjama top to walk around in though, until she found something else to wear. It was quite long on her, almost as long as a short dress. Not quite, though! It was black, and had pictures on it. She imagined him sleeping in it, wearing it. . Yes, that was a nice thought indeed! She felt very close to him.
Suddenly, she had an inspiration! She would go up into the attic, where lots of hidden treasures and secrets were! Perhaps she would find something to wear there. She went and stood at the top of the stairs, and pressed a button on the side of the wall. The floor lifted up and carried her into the attic, it was a very exciting journey! When she got into the attic, she couldn't see much. It was very dark, so she pulled the cord that hung from the ceiling and the lights lit up. Lots of fairy lights (or christmas lights? perhaps both!) were lighting up and flashing, and she could hear music coming from somewhere. It sounded like a musical jewellery box. She used to have one those. . it was pink, and when it was opened there was a ballerina who spun round. Like she was dancing! And the music played at the same time as she spun. Sometimes she would have to wind it up so that it would play, and the ballerina would dance.
The attic was covered with boxes. Alice took a closer look at them. They looked like shoe boxes! There were many, many amounts of them; all stacked up semi-neatly around the sides of the room. How fascinating. She wondered what was inside all those boxes, and was almost too frightened to have a look. However, she was really curious and hyper. The window on the roof of the attic was closed, and she decided to open it. A light breeze rushed into the room, and floundered around. This shoeboxes shook and rattled, and felt snooky. Alice smiled, and giggled. This was fun, and exciting. She stuck her hand out the window and waved hello to whoever could see her wave to them. Then, she put her hand back in and closed the window, because it was starting to rain. Alice felt tempted to climb on the roof and dance, but she was still curious about what was in the boxes. In the dusty, secret-ridden attic!
She stepped towards one of the stacks of shoeboxes, and touched it softly. She heard a 'ping' noise, and didn't understand where it had come from. The fairy and christmas lights were still flashing vibrantly. It felt quite like a disco room, or a santa's grotto! Also, the nice music was still playing quite loudly. Alice wondered where the music was coming from. Inside the shoeboxes? Outside the window? In the christmas fairy lights? She hesitated for a moment, listening as the music slowly faded. It had been such beautiful, entrancing music. She would have danced to it but it was too beautiful to interrupt, she wanted to listen and hear its beauty clearly. She stood and swayed from side to side. She even swung around somtimes. But that didn't count as dancing, because Alice's dancing was very wild and loud and unpredictable. She remembered the time when she went to a nightclub, called The Hut. .

She'd spent the day in the shopping mall, trying to find her outfit for that night. It took her a long time, because she was feeling very indecisive. However, she eventually chose a nice fleurescent floral dress. It was mostly magenta, lilac and sky blue; it had all the colours of the rainbow in it though. It was very dazzling and unique. Alice felt incredibly happy when she'd found it in a store she'd least expected to find anything in, a small clothes stall on the side of the cookie jar box stand. Then, she had gone to the hairdressers and had many rainbow coloured highlights inserted into her hair, but mostly magenta, lilac and sky blue to match her dress. She was very excited, because tonight was going to be a foam party! She loved foam parties. She loved foam, in fact.
She arrived at The Hut in a long black limozine, because she liked to arrive in style. The journey in the limo had been fun, because there was free champagne! And lots of flashing lights and music to choose from. There was even a telephone to talk to the driver with, and she'd had a lengthy conversation about huts in Japan and the state of China. When she arrived, she was allowed to jump the queue because she was on the guest list.
Walking inside, the went straight up to the bar and ordered a bottle of Purple WKD. She was about to pay when a voice spoke behind her.
"I'll pay for that."
She was startled at the generosity of this stranger, and was too shocked to disagree but instead let him pay for her drink. She noticed his arm reach in front of her to hand over the money, and she was awed at the sight of his brightly multicoloured floral shirt. She turned around to take a better look, and was met by his beautiful blue eyes. Alice blushed, and looked down for a moment before returning to gaze at him. He was absolutely gorgeous, with spiky blonde hair and a deliciously sexy smile. He started at her for a few moments, and then winked. She couldn't help but laugh, it seemed so funny. He pretended to be offended, and then decided to smash the sauce and speak to her.
"Hi," he said.
Alice thought he would say something else as well, but he didn't. He just continued to gaze at her, waiting for her to greet him. She took a sip of her drink, and replied.
"Hi," she whispered.
She felt so shy, as he watched her so intently. What was he thinking? She wished she knew.
"I like your dress," he spoke in a deep, seductive voice.
She smiled, feeling pleased that he shared the same taste for clothes as her. She wondered if he often wore flowers, and brightly coloured ones as bright as the one he was wearing now. She really liked his shirt.
"Thanks," she replied. "Do you often wear brightly coloured floral clothes?"
"Yeah. I love flowers, I think they're so pretty."
"Me too!" Alice was feeling so excited. She had often longed to find someone who loved flowers as much as she did, but she never had. In her whole life, in fact, she had felt as though she was the only one who was inclined to wear brightly fleurescent clothes often. Yet, here was someone else! She felt so happy, so validated. She wanted to give him a hug, knowing that anyone who loved flowers as much as she did was an awesome person. However, she reminded herself not to get too carried away here. They had only just met! She didn't even know his name. That didn't matter, though. She was just happy to be here with him, talking.
"Hey, if you're finished with that drink. . I was wondering, if maybe you'd like to dance with me," he asked politely.
She glanced down at her bottle. It was still full with lilac liquid, but she didn't want to miss this opportunity to dance with him! She nodded, closed her eyes for a moment and drunk the whole bottle in less than a second. It was quite extraordinary; she had never done that before! Suddenly, she felt so wild and free and quite careless.
"Woaow!" she exclaimed. "That was soo gooood."
He laughed, bemused and amazed at how quickly she had drunk it. She was fun!
"Come on then, Mr You! Let's daance," she whispered in his ear, at the same time as taking his hand and leading him to the dancefloor.
They maneuvered their way through the crowd of people, whom were standing round and drinking their alcoholic poison. Some of them were attempting to dance, but they were mostly chavs who were stoned and didn't know what they were doing. Some other people were jumping up and down, and shouting loudly to each other.
"The music is really loud here!" she shouted to him.
They were stood very near the speakers, and the constant thudding beat of the dance music was entrancing. The music was being played by the dj, who called himself "Dj Glowstick Rich". He had bright, bright pink hair and was wearing a yellow security jacket. Every now and then, he picked up his horn and blew it loudly. Sometimes he picked up his megaphone and shouted things through it! At the same time as talking through the microphone! The loudness and chaoticness of it all was incredibly overwhelming, and made Alice feel so hyper and energetic. She was dancing crazily with Him Who Liked Her Dress And Flowers, and he was loving it. By dancing together, they were communicating in a way that connected them so intimately, so passionately. Much more was said between them when they were dancing, compared to when they had been simply talking. This was more than words, this was more than simply sharing thoughts through a medium of common vocabulary. This was. . simply magical.
Alice sighed and giggled, feeling slightly tipsy. She wrapped her arms around him and held on for a moment, not aware of what was happening. She was just enjoying this feeling of heartfelt words unspoken, yet truly understood. She felt dizzy, but she didn't mind at all. The music was so loud, she could feel people surrounding her from all sides, but she could feel him in her arms. That was all that mattered.
Closing her eyes, she breathed in and felt totally relaxed in this chaotic environment. She felt Him pat her on the head, and giggled some more. His touch was so soft, she could barely feel it. His hand was still there a few moments later, and she rushed up to touch it. She expected to feel his solid fingers there but was instead greeted with the feeling of her hands going right through them! And squashing them!
She screamed, but her cries of shock and fear could hardly be heard under all the noise. She let go of him quickly and looked at the hand that had touched his. It was covered with bubbles.
"Oh my BLOG," she squealed.
She looked at him, and started to cry. She hadn't mean to break his hands! What had she done? She felt so bad.
"I'm so sorry," she wailed.
He was feeling quite confused at this point, but knew she was feeling quite drunk. It had been nice to feel her holding him and he didn't understand why she had let go and was so upset. She hadn't even patted him on his back as a signal that she was going to let go!
"What's wrong?" He asked, feeling concerned.
He reached out to comfort her, but she jumped back. She didn't understand! Why was he not bothered that she had broken his hand?
"I broke your hand!" she shouted.
He felt even more confused at this point. His hand? He looked at both his hands, and didn't see anything wrong with them. She hadn't even touched them.
"No you haven't!" he shouted back, waving them in front of her face.
Wow! Alice was astonished. He had grown them back rather quickly. She hadn't known anybody who had grown their hands back as fast as that. She was feeling slightly unsure about her logic, and she knew that she wasn't making much sense. But she didn't understand how. . it seemed to make sense to her. What wasn't making sense?
"Senseless," she shouted at him.
He was very surprised at what she said. How did she know? Was she psychic? He used to be a member of a music band, and their name had been 'Senseless'. How fascinating that she had just said it out loud, when their song was playing at that moment through the speakers! Well, it wasn't actually their song because it was a dj remix by their resident band dj, who also happened to be djing that night. However, the band had split up before they reached any real success.
It had started off ok; they found a local manager to help them out and to provide a practice room for them. Sure, they had their problems getting started, but eventually they produced some pretty good stuff. Harmony Garden was one of their best songs that had been written by themselves. He liked gardens a lot, and he liked harmony and harmonies. In fact, Harmony Garden was the song that was playing at that very moment! But still, how did she know that it was by his band? The song was only playing because the dj made the remix himself, and was pretty proud of it. They had never reached any mainstream fame or recognition or anything.
"Yeahh!" he shouted to Alice.
She nodded vigorously and sat down on the floor. She was feeling very disorientated and confused, and wanted to close her eyes for a few moments and try to understand what was happening. She wasn't even sure of where she was, anymore. For some reason, she felt more comfortable sitting down whilst people were stood dancing around her. It wasn't that she wanted to stare at people's legs, or up their skirts and kilts, but that being closer to the Earth made her feel more grounded and helped her to think more clearly. She closed her eyes, sat in her meditation position and focused inwardly. She focused on her own feelings, her own vibrations. Not the feelings of the people that were surrounding her, or the vibrations of the loud and thumpy music, but she centered her concentration completely on herself. The constant drone of all the external stimulation began to fade, and she was feeling more peaceful and calm. She didn't hear the music anymore, or the invasive emotions that people projected onto her. She didn't feel the stamping of feet, or smell the poison that people were drinking so readily. Here, in this external place of such chaos and disorder, she managed to find her internal peace and tranquilty she so longed for. She felt happy, so calm and happy. Time slowed down; or at least, her perception of it. Things were moving in such slow motion, and she found she understood clearly what was happening. What was about to happen. It made so much sense.
She wasn't sure if she spoke it out loud, or if she was merely thinking it. Or, if it was even her own thought or voice. She was so interconnected with everything, it was hard to define what was her and what was not. Still, she felt the imposing feeling that snow was about to fall. Right there, right now. How beautiful, she loved the snow. She loved how it was so soft and delicate, and how every snowflake was completely and utterly unique. . every snowflake was perfect.
As the seconds slowly passed, as though each moment lasted an hour, she embraced the inevitable touch of a tender flake floating down towards her eyelash and resting there. She felt such pure joy from this priceless gift that had been given to her; she felt so grateful and blessed. Overcome with emotion, she silently observed as the precious snowflake melted in the heat of her body and trickled down to meet a tear from her eye. Together, they blended harmoniously and streamed down her face in a single drop.

She startled, not expecting someone to shout at her. She had been so immersed in watching and merging with the precious details of the universe, that this loud disturbance quite shocked and frightened her. Her heart was beating rapidly, and she felt increasingly distressed. To add to her confusion, the amount of falling snow had increased tenfold. At least! She was pounded and attacked by these huge masses of weightless snow, and found herself unable to open her eyes. Lifting up her hands to free the thick covering from herself, she blinked rapidly and tried to attain some visibilty through the white layer. She felt panicky, but knew she had to regain her calm to find safety. Surprisingly, the snow didn't feel heavy at all. This was unusual snow.
Eventually, Alice found that she could see vaguely and looked ahead. Trying to work out what was in front of her, she could only make out what must be. . a snowman. He blinked, and waved. Feeling dizzy, she wanted to scream, but as she opened her mouth a huge cannon from overhead shot a big blast of more snow into her mouth. She started choking.

It was in the middle of the night, and Alice had been dreaming vividly. Dreams of dancing, of snow. She opened her eyes rapidly and realised that it hadn't been a dream. It had been real. She was in a bed now, a big bed. The duvet was warm and comforting, but it seemed unfamiliar. Looking around the room she was in, she noticed that it all seemed unfamiliar. She sat up, and walked over towards the door to find the light switch. Tracing her hands around the wall in an attempt to locate it, the door suddenly swung open and hit her hard.
"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"
She was lying on the floor now, with her eyes closed. She heard the satisfying click of the light being switched on, and slowly opened her eyes to be greeted by the brightness. After a few moments of squinting, her eyes became adjusted to the light and focused on the person sitting beside her. It was Him.
"You. ." she tried to say.
He patted her softly on her lips and whispered that she should get back to bed. She didn't object or try to defy him, and let him pick her up and put her back down carefully on the bed.
"I don't understand. ." she whispered to him. "I'm scared."
"It's ok," he replied, smiling.
She was so tempted to believe him, but still she was confused. She didn't want to be left alone.
"Please stay with me," she requested.
He nodded, and walked over to switch the light back off. He came back and laid on the bed next to her, and pulled the duvet over them both. Oh, the duvet was so comforting. Suddenly, she became aware that he was next to her, so close. Closing her eyes, she cuddled him tightly and felt him reassuringly stroke her. He felt so nice.
Only moments later, Alice found herself drifiting into a deep state of sleep again. She was so totally and utterly exhausted, and was dreaming vividly. She dreamt that she was in Japan, on the side of a mountain. It seemed so real, so clear. She was stood right at the mountain top, and could see for miles and miles below and all around. There were more mountains in the distance, but they were far away. Her mountain was solitary. The scenery she could see was completely beautiful and awe-inspiring. There were no industrial disturbances, or big cities interrupting the perfect nature. This was a place undisturbed by man, and she felt safe here. A gust of wind swirled around her, and she could almost see the bright colours it was made up of. They weren't like the usual physical colours that surrounded her. . they were different. Quite indistinguishable unless the right state of mind was attained. She wished she could paint with them, and show them for the world to see.
But which world? The world she was in right now, it was completely seperate from the worlds of other people. How could she show them what she could see, when they were so far away? She sighed, and let her eyes look downwards to the floor. She noticed her shoes. They were pretty, made up of glorious silks and embroidered flowers. Admiring them, she noticed the rest of her outfit. From what she could make out, she was wearing a magenta coloured kimono, made from very exquisite and precious material. She moved her arms about slowly, and felt the silk glide softly through the air.
She closed her eyes, and noticed that she could taste something unfamiliar. Touching her lips with her fingers, she opened her eyes again and observed that they were now stained with a red liquid. Blood? She brought her fingers up to her mouth and tasted it. No, this was different. It tasted sweet, like strawberries. . she savoured the flavour and realised that this was some kind of lipstick. Why was she wearing it here, though? She was alone, there was no need to dress up in her delightful kimono. She reached up and felt her hair. It was soft, and her usually straight hair had been curled into soft waves. Then, she realised that someone would be joining her. Soon.

She turned round, and noticed a path leading down the mountain. She hurried down it, not wanting to be late. But, late for what? For whom? She had no time to ponder about it, as a heavy mist began to form and made it difficult for her to follow the path with certainty. Slowing her pace, she treaded carefully, not wanting to get lost. Now, the mist had become so thick that she could barely see her hand as she lifted it up in front of her. Just as she thought that she couldn't go on, a hand appeared in front of her. She looked at it, unable to see who it belonged to. It was held out expectantly, as though wanting her to hold it. She didn't have to think about what to do; what other choice did she have? She gracefully let the palm of her hand meet the stranger's, and was led down the path to safety.
Eventually, Alice saw that they were heading towards a building of some kind. It looked like a hut, made of solid, sturdy wood and surrounded by a beautiful garden of flowers and plants. The mist was still too thick to see who this mysterious stranger was, but she looked down at their intertwined hands. She could tell that the hand she was holding was very strong, very sturdy. Like the hut, it felt safe. As they approached the hut, getting closer and closer to it, they suddenly stopped moving and stood still.
"Close your eyes," she heard the stranger whisper.
She did, without hesitation. She could feel the wind around them becoming stronger, and stronger. Her hair was blowing rapidly in wild patterns, and she could smell her Herbal Essences hair fragrance being spread around the valley and the mountain, and throughout all the wind and mists of time. It smelt fruity, and Alice knew that fruit would save the world. How did she know this? Well, a while ago (before she arrived at the top of the mountain, when she had been living under the sea in a time capsule invented by Dr. Zaoghog, who had also invented the Paga Orange Carrot Lemon, or Apelsin Morot Citron, drink. Alice really, really liked that drink, although she felt about funny about the fact that it had carrots in it. She didn't want to drink juiced carrots, or carrot juice! She thought that would be yucky. However, the orange and apelsin, and lemon and citron, balanced it out quite nicely and she thought it tasted very delicious. She hoped that there would be some Paga Orange Carrot Lemon Apelsin Morot Citron juice drink in the hut that the stranger was leading her to. However, she hadn't noticed any shops around here so it probably wasn't very likely. She sighed, because she was really, really thirsty. Oh, so thirsty. She would even eat an ice cube if she had the chance. She wondered the if there was a freezer in the stranger's hut. Even a fridge would be good! Because if there was a fridge, then it would be much more likely that there would be some Paga Orange Carrot Lemon Apelsin Morot Citron juice drink in it. Yum, she delighted at the very thought of it. But then again! Was there even electricity in this hut? Because they were in the middle of Japan, after all, on the side of a big huge mountain that they had just walked down from. Perhaps this was using solar power, though. That would make sense, right? Because they were really high up, so they could reach the sunlight more easily. But the mist was very thick, and the wind was very blowy. So perhaps that affected the sunlight from coming through to the solar panels too much. Maybe this used wind power, then! It was wonderfully windy, after all. She didn't see any big wind mill tall blowy things that have sticks going round and round to collect the wind power, though.) So, when she was still living under the sea in her Dr. Zaoghog time capsule invention (water proof, of course!), she had been surfing various random web sites on the inter net. She had liked doing that, because she had liked it so much that she had written a poem about it. It went something like this:
"Oh Mr Inter Net, you provide me with Knowledge. This makes me cry a lot, and Oh it really does! Oh, my tears are falling down, falling down! Falling, falling down and down. Ohh my eyes feel so wet! So wet, they are, Mr Inter Net! I thank you, Mr Inter Net, for making my Eyes So Wet."
"Oh, Mr Web Site, you provide me with Wisdom. This makes me sneeze a lot, and Oh it really does! Oh, my sneezes are coming out, coming out! Coming, coming out and out. Ohh my sneezes feel so orgasmic. So orgasmic they are, Mr Web Site! I thank you, Mr Web Site, for making my Sneezes So Orgasmic."
"Oh Mr M. S. N, you provide me with Chat. This makes me talk a lot, and Oh it really does! Oh, my talks are saying lots, saying lots! Saying, saying lots and lots. Ohh my talks feel so Font Blue. So Font Blue they are, Mr M. S. N.! I thank you, Mr M. S. N., for making my Talks So Font Blue."
She was really proud of that poem that she had written. She had also written a story, in fact! It was a wonderful story, and she was also very proud of it. She spend several years and months and days and minutes and seconds and nanoseconds writing it, and she had put lots and lots and lots of effort into it!!! Loads, and loads of effort. She loved to put effort into things. In fact, she sometimes thought she put SO much effort in to stuff, she thought was considering the possibility that maybe, just maybe, she was a nymphomaniac!! Or, she tried to reason with herself, that it was simply the fact that she had spent so many years and months and days and minutes and nanoseconds writing her story, and that she had neglected her other needs, such as sexual fulfilment. She was also really, really hungry and really, really, really incredibly very very much thirsty!! But she didn't know the words for those things. Well, she knew the word for being 'hungry', and she knew the word for being 'thirsty', but she didn't know a word that was like 'nymphomaniac' to describe herself with. Maybe, 'foodomaniac' or 'drinkomaniac' perhaps? But, she wasn't a nymph. She wasn't food or drink either. Well, she was. But she thought that nymphs were fairies, or faeries? Are fairies sex addicts, she wondered? Or, are faeries sex addicts? Was Alice a sex addict? She didn't know, but she wanted to find out.
She thought back to before the story, to when she may or may not have previously been a sex addict. She tried to remember, but it was so long ago! She needed to complete her 'remembering' ritual. She made a cup of hot chocolate, using one sachet of this new very dark mocha type chocolate, and another sachet of. . toffee!! She made it, stirred it, and put it in an orange mug that was orange on the inside (to make her feel happy) and decorated with orange flowers on the outside. It was very pretty!! She took the spoon, dipped it in to the hot chocolate and held it there for a moment and a minute. Then, she held it horizontally and pulled it back out, and directed it towards her mouth. She opened wide, making the vocal noise of 'Ahhh'. Was it a sexual 'Ahhh', she wondered? Did she have sexual thoughts about hot chocolate? Hmm. . yes she did, she decided. She wanted hot chocolate to be poured all over her - hot, hot chocolate. And then her lover would drink it, but not swallow it. Because he would transfer the delicious hot chocolate to her via a delicious, sensuous kiss. She liked her lips, and so she licked them. Coming back from her fantasy land, way up high in the clouds of her head, she put the put the spoon on her crossed leg and then tied the end handle bit on to a strand or few strands of her hair or hairs. The spoon dangled wavily from her hair or hairs, and she cackled in delight. She could now drink the hot chocolate with and through and in her mouth! Her lips felt moist, and she licked them more. Oh, how she wanted to taste this hot chocolate from the orange and oranged flowered cup! She held the cup in her hand and swooshed it from side to side, so the liquid in side would swirl about and around. A small bit amount spilt on to her finger, she had to momentarily for a moment put the cup down and lick the hot chocolate from her finger. It tasted absolutely divine. She wanted to dip her whole finger in the hot chocolate, oh she really did. But she was so overcome with desire to drink the delicious hot chocolate concoction, that she quickly grabbed hold of the cup and held it to her mouth. She speed drunk it.
"Ohhhhh," she moaned with delight. "How I do love quickie drinks."
Feeling satisfied, she jumped up and danced around for a bit. She danced her famous 'nymph' dance, because she had always dreamed of being a nymph. She wasn't exactly sure what the correlation between nymphs and nymphomania was. Nymphs were mythical females, nymphomania was very high sexual desire. Oh, she desired so many things. What did she desire more, to sneeze or to drink hot chocolate? When she sneezed, she had a tenth of an orgasm. She especially loved the more intense, loud sneezes. Like 'ATCHOOOO', because then she could feel her tenth of an orgasm so much more intensely. But then, hot chocolate was *so* incredibly orgasmic too. It tasted so delightfully delicious, so chocolately and warm. She loved chocolate a lot. She wanted to be covered almost completely in melted chocolate, and to be eaten. Wow, how delicious she would be!! Chocolate was one of her favourite foods. Sometimes she just got a bar of chocolate, removed the wrapper and put it on her head (balancing it very carefully so that it didn't fall), and then melted the chocolate in her fingers. It would become all delicoiusly messy and gooey. She liked to play with gooey things a lot. Gooey stuff, slimy stuff. She liked lubricants a lot, they were very erotic. When she melted the chocolate in her fingers, she would rub it all over her hands. All over her fingers, the palms of her hands, the back of her hands. . it felt so good, so *nice*. Then she liked to lick off the chocolate, bit by bit. First, she would start with her fingers on her left hand. Softly sucking each finger, one by one, she would then move on to her right hand. This turned her on a lot, because she did so many more things with her right hand than she did with her left. This was because she wasn't ambidextrous, because she was right handed. This was because when she left the rainforest, she stopped eating fruit and then she went slightly woah. If she had stayed in the rainforest, and carried on eating the fruit, then she would probably most likely be ambidextrous and use both hands for doing things. That would make so much more sense than using only one hand for everything, right? Like, if she tried typing with only one hand then it took so much longer for her to write and type what she wanted to. Whereas, when she used both hands at one. . it was so much faster. Why was it not like that for everything? She vowed that she would to start using (yes, that to start was intentional, she thought) her left hand more often. For writing, writing. . brushing her hair, things like that. Things like holding books, touching things, touching herself. .
Wow, she was really turned on now. She wished her lover was here. But, she didn't have a lover. . after spending so long, so many years and months and days and such, under the sea writing her story, she hadn't had time to find a lover. And now she was very lonely, and very horny. But then, as she remembered where she was, she realised that she wasn't actually alone. When the mysterious stranger had told her to close her eyes, she had become so distracted by the thoughts in her head that she forgot what was happening! Wow, but only like a second or a few seconds had passed since he had asked her to close her eyes. She knew this, because she had very, very good time keeping skills. Wow, she had fast thoughts! She felt the hand tug on hers, and drag her towards the hut. She followed the stranger's lead willingly, feeling very excited.
"I hope your eyes are still closed," she heard a deep voice say. It was hard to make out exactly what the voice was like, because the mists and winds that were surrounding them was making it harder to hear properly and with clarity. She suspected that the stranger was a guy, but she was still uncertain. She hadn't even seen him yet, and laid eyes upon his face. She hoped he was a guy, because she was still feeling very, very turned on. She was a nymphomaniac, after all.
"Yes, yes! They are closed," she replied, calling out into the mists and winds.
Oh, how romantic this was! Being whisked away and rescued by this mysterious stranger. Suddenly, they had stopped moving again. She felt the hand loosen from hers, and heard a 'knock, knock' sound on what she could only presume was the door of the hut. Her eyes were still closed.
"Beep, beep beep, beep beep beep!!" She heard beeping noises coming from somewhere, but she wasn't sure where exactly. Then, she felt herself being picked up and carried into the hut by this very strong stranger.
She felt as though she was flying! Until then she gently put down something big and soft. It felt like. . a duvet. A bed! Oh, how nice, Alice thought.
"Can I open my eyes yet?" Alice enquired, curiously.
She heard the door of the hut close, and foot steps walk across the room to where she was laying down. She felt someone close to her. . very close. She could feel and hear him breathing right in front of her. She was waiting for something to happen, for him to say something. He didn't say anything at all. . he slowly laid himself on top of her, and touched her lips softly with his own. She almost gasped, squealed, screamed. . but she couldn't make any noise at all as his lips delicately pressed upon hers. He suddenly drew back, and she tried to keep their lips aligned, not wanting the kiss to end.
"Alice," he spoke.
This shocked her quite. How did he know her name? Who was he? Could she open her eyes yet? Deciding to anyway, whether he wanted her to or not, she opened her eyes to see the eyes of the speaker. Her eyes adjusted to the light, and she blinked rapidly for a few moments. Her vision became clearer, and she could see someone in front of her. . She sat up, trying to see properly. She felt as though she had been asleep. The sudden realisation of who the stranger was made her gasp.
"You're. . Him!" she squealed.

"Yes, I am Him," he replied.
She stared into his sky blue eyes and realised she recognised the stranger, from somewhere. He was the guy who had rescued her! From where? She could hardly remember, but she knew she had seen him before. He was too handsome to forget. . She smiled at him.
"You are really sexy," she told him.
He smiled too, and moved forward to kiss her again. His lips were so soft, so wonderfully pleasing. After a few moments, he pulled back again.
"I want you to come with me," he whispered.
Alice felt so happy to hear him say that! She wanted to come with him too! She really, really wanted to do that. She nodded, and let him take her hand again. She wondered where he was taking her to, what he had planned for her. He guided her across the room of the hut, and though a door that was different to the one they had entered through. He didn't make her close her eyes this time, and as she entered the room she was awestruck at how big it was. It was like the size of a big ballroom! It was filled with so many things, she didn't have time to notice them all. He ran towards the other side of the room, and she ran with him. He was heading towards a very expensive looking jacuzzi, and she wished she could get in it and feel the comforting, warm water.
"You know, the wind outside was very strong. Would you like to bathe in the jacuzzi with me?" he asked her.
"I would love to," she whispered. "But what about my clothes?"
She didn't want to get her beautiful kimono clothes wet. They were very luxurious and pretty, and she wanted to look after them.
"You can give them to my robot helper," he answered in reply to her question. "He will wash them, and clean them. Like I am going to wash and clean you."
Alice blushed, but he was right. There had been a wonderful amount of things flying about in the wind, and she was quite covered in wind and mountain dust.
"Ok," she agreed. "Will you help me take off my kimono please?"
She had to ask him to do that, because it was fastened very in a very complicated way, and she didn't want to break it.
"Of course I will."
He turned her round and spent a few mintues unfastening the kimono. Finally, it was done, and the kimono slipped down her body and onto the ground. She was only wearing her silk lingerie now, and her dainty silk kimono style matching shoes. Funnily enough, she didn't have a matching silk kimono hand bag.